
Sabtu, 05 April 2014

JBridge To Intermediate Japanese

JBridge To Intermediate Japanese 

J.Bridge to Intermediate Japanese is the third textbook in the series by Bonjinsha. This book includes an answer key and two CDs. Even if you are using a different textbook series, if you are a lower intermediate, this book could be a big help. Moving into the Intermediate stage can be hard. It means reading, learning complex grammatical patters, and having a large vocabulary. This book is intended to work all of this. Topics covered: ?Introducing ?Taking a Trip ?Cross Culture ?Future ?Mystery ?Best Partner ?Food & Health ?Education Based on the latest language acquisition theories. Explanations are given in English, Chinese, and Korean
  1.  INTRODUCING(紹介する)
  2. TAKING A TRIP(旅行する)
  3. CROSS CULTURE(異文化に触れる)
  4. FUTURE(未来)
  5.  MYSTERY(ミステリー)
  6. BEST PARTNER(ベスト・パートナー)
  7. FOOD AND HEALTH(食と健康)
  8. EDUCATION(教育)

Download links of JBridge To Intermediate Japanese :

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